6 Ways to Develop a Positive Relationship with Your Body + Boost Your Self Esteem

Hey ladies! Today as you can see by the title we will be discussing ways to develop a positive relationship with your body and boost your self esteem. It is so common for us to nitpick about the things we do not like about ourselves. Today, I want to help you release the negative self talk routine you may do religiously and introduce you to 6 things you can do to start your self love journey. So let’s begin!

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Look at Yourself in the Mirror

Look in the mirror and find one feature that you really appreciate about yourself whether that’s your eyes, smile, cheekbones, eyebrows, healthy hair etc. Give yourself a compliment by looking at yourself in the mirror and physically saying out loud what you like about yourself. Right now since you’re just starting out it’s normal to not believe what you’re telling yourself. This is step one of retraining your thought process from negative self talk to positive self talk. See, in the past you’ve gotten comfortable with pointing out your bad so it’s become second nature to criticize yourself. Now, you’re going to focus on the good and build from there.

Speak Positive Affirmations Over Yourself

Give yourself the same kindness you would offer a friend by avoiding the negative self talk. This goes along with number one. Stop talking negatively to yourself. Telling yourself you hair isn’t this way or you wish your body wasn’t shaped the way it is etc isn’t changing anything. Essentially you’re betraying yourself by speaking down on who you are. I’m not going to say it’s okay however, I can empathize and tell you that God chose for your essence to be placed into this body, to live out this life in this one body.

Repeating positive statements about yourself can gradually shift your mindset. Instead of being negative about the one body you have, it’s time to start something new: appreciating what God has given you and also speaking life over yourself. Let’s quote some scripture to back this up.

” I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14

This verse is a declaration from God saying that who He created (you) is an absolutely wonderful masterpiece. You are a part of God’s creations (His works) therefore He sees you as wonderful. Thinking more like God will never steer you in the wrong direction. Believe and know that you are wonderfully made.

” An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.”

Proverbs 31:10-12 AMP

Is it just me, or did God say that you’re worth far more than fine jewels? He described you as an excellent woman. Excellent. Not subpar, not just okay, not fair…you’re categorized as high quality, exceptional, of the highest standard. These are facts not opinions.

Wear Flattering Clothing that Fit your Body Type

So we all have different body types. It’s best to do research on which clothing items fit your proportions in a flattering way. Wearing your correct size is also paramount to feeling your best. For example, wearing panties that are literally squeezing your hips to the point where there’s an indention showing through your pants is not flattering. Wearing pants that are too tight and may make your stomach appear to bulge over is also not fitting for your body type. My go to suggestions would always be to dress modestly to what you believe is your best form of modest. Try to go for clothing that shows off your best qualities in a tasteful and classy way. A good rule of thumb is if you’re going to have your legs out, possibly cover your arms and vice versa. If your arms are out then cover more of your legs.

Look at your Naked Body Often

This is a game changer that you probably would not expect. The more that you look at your naked body, the more comfortable and aware you are of how you actually look. You’ll be way less self conscious because you are aware of your strengths and the parts you may not feel as comfortable about. However, the more that you look at yourself, give yourself compliments, and take care of your body the more you’ll fall in love with yourself.

Take Care of your Body

Prioritize self-care activities that make you feel good when you step into a room.

Examples of this would be to groom your eyebrows, clean your nails, toes and tidy up your hair.

I’ve noticed on the days where I put a little more effort into my look, I get the most compliments. This does not mean I have to go out with a face full of makeup and my best outfit, I just noticed on the days where I give the “clean girl aesthetic” I get complimented. What does this look like?

Wrinkle free clothing, smelling fresh, clean shoes, and glowy clean skin.

Just stick with the basics of keeping up with your look. The “clean girl aesthetic” has gotten me compliments like “you look like you just have your entire life together”. Constantly hearing that over and over has made it clear that the simple effort that you put towards your look does get noticed (as well as the lack thereof) and can easily build your confidence because you know you look well put together.

Avoid Negativity

Some people are negative Nancies. Meaning they criticize and judge themselves so much that they also project that negativity onto others. During your journey of boosting your self esteem and developing a positive relationship with yourself it’s best to avoid them. Try to spend your time with other people who are positive, uplifting, and non-judgmental. These are the people who will pour into your self love journey and help you see that thinking highly of yourself is okay and normal.

Hope you ladies enjoyed this post. Remember that building self-esteem is a gradual process, and it may take time. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. By incorporating these simple strategies into your life, you can work toward developing a more positive relationship with your body and boost your self esteem.

I love you and God loves you more!


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