This is going to be a long one! Here’s the shorter version: I was claiming to be a Christian but doing whatever I wanted to do. Eventually, God took his hand off of me and I had to sustain the life I thought I wanted. That’s it. Now, if you really want to know how I got here then be prepared for this novel. You are about to gasp because yes, it’s a crazy journey. Let’s begin.

We’re going to start in 2016, the year I graduated from high school. This was also the year I would be moving to a different city to pursue a higher education. Now that summer after I graduated was the summer I was exposed to some things I was never exposed to before: drugs, freedom, and boys.

Okay, it’s not the first time I’ve been around guys however it was definitely the first time I liked them back. And girl…these were not even guys I should have liked to begin with but I was new to “being outside” so I was just happy to be there. My poor, sheltered self. See, I was an A/B honor roll student who went to school then went straight home so I didn’t even know what I liked. That was the summer Drake released “Controlla ” and I was never home and if I was home, I got back from “being outside” around the time the sun was coming up and right back outside before the streetlights came on. 

Between hopping over fences to get in apartment pools, to quietly sneaking into my friends’ houses, boys’ houses, to meeting at the park for a smoke session, daiquiri shops, to brunch, lunch or dinner- I was booked and busy that summer. Mind you, throughout this entire time I thought, “I’m still a true woman of God, I’m just young and want to experience a little life for once and God is fine with this”. However, that was me dipping my toe in the water. 

So, that lasted until it was time for me to move for college that August. I moved to a different city and not only did I leave the city my parents were in, but I went to the university that was known for being “the party school”. I had a blast, of course. I was a complete social butterfly to the point where my friends called me the “friendly” friend. I was always doing something fun and always talking to people, however, that first semester I was doing a lot of wholesome fun as well as studying so in turn my social life and my grades were great! 3.75 GPA and I was loving life! 

Now that next semester was a blur. I was on autopilot. I ended up getting into a toxic relationship and started back smoking again. At that time I was not just smoking occasionally like before, I was waking and baking, smoking throughout the day, before dinner, then again before bed. Let’s just say that relationship revolved around smoking together, looking good together, and other “grown folk” things which started my journey of idolizing others before God. This is also around the time I started journaling a lot! I completely stepped away from God and my responsibilities and put all my focus on my relationship. My GPA that semester was 1.384.

I couldn’t believe my eyes and I know you probably can’t either. Like I knew I was skipping class, I knew I forgot a couple deadlines, I knew I didn’t study for the tests and yet I still sat there in utter disbelief. The gall! I sat in the study room of my dorm for hours… of course until it was time to numb that pain with another smoke session. That wasn’t the start of the addiction but it was definitely the catalyst for me running to other things and not God. 

I didn’t even tell my family my grades nor was I planning to. Eventually they just found out for themselves. I kid you not I went from being the “golden child” to the failure. I couldn’t catch a break! I was constantly crying over my relationship, how numb and isolated I became, my grades, and my family. The only time I wasn’t crying was when I was high.

Fast forward to my sophomore year of college my friends decided to move into an apartment and I had to beg my family to go with them. I was not on probation academically but I was family wise. I had to prove a point and since I was further away from campus I was able to focus. School, smoke session, then home was my life that semester. Which granted was not the best but it was a better routine than before! My GPA went back up however, the apartment was too expensive for my family and so they claimed they were cutting me off. I had 3 months left of rent due.

Just when I thought I was getting back on track, I was about to be homeless because I only had $91 to my name and I owed $20 to the weed man after hearing that. Joking! I got on my hands and knees and prayed so hard that night. I cried myself to sleep in my closet. I repented for everything. Later that week I got a grant for the EXACT amount needed to pay the rest of the lease. I didn’t apply for a grant nor did I question it because I knew I didn’t have to sustain things myself anymore. GOD DID THAT!

I received this grant in April & used it to pay for May -July rent

Eventually that relationship ended, I quit smoking, and I continued to journal to God a little bit more intentionally. I knew those 2.5 months were going to fly by and I realized I didn’t have anywhere to move after my lease was up. This was another situation I prayed to God about. One day my cousin sent me a picture of a beautiful bedroom.

My aunt took it upon herself to clear out her beauty room and she turned it into a bedroom just for me. My aunt and God did that because while I was praying, my aunt was buying furniture and decorations for my soon to be new home. So I stayed with my aunt for a year which was the absolute best, most healing experience ever! I was surrounded by constant love! I also transferred to another school and switched my major to nursing.

The transition to my new school was a little challenging simply because they weren’t as organized as the school I transferred from. One day while in class a presenter came to speak about the requirements needed to get into the nursing program. I realized that day that I finished most of the prerequisites and I was supposed to apply for their nursing school, which I did not know about. I went home that day so stunned that I was not told the steps to get in. At this point though, I knew that God would take care of me especially if I do all I can physically do. So even though I was overwhelmed at that moment I prayed about it and let it go…the worry that is. I didn’t let go of the idea of applying for nursing school and wrote down my acceptance letter beforehand.

I didn’t even know the official name of the nursing school lol but I had faith

I printed out all the requirements to apply, put them in a folder, and went to my advisor that next morning to ask them what I should do. I was told the deadline for that semester had already passed by an entire month and that I should take a semester off and apply 6 months later.

I stared in disbelief. In my head I was thinking “Now God, why did you have me prepare like I was going to be able to apply if this was going to be the answer”. I was already going to be graduating late now this was just pushing that back further. I stood up and thanked my advisor for the advice and thought maybe God needs me to not be in school right now. I was bummed but I was going to be obedient because I knew I was not willing to try to sustain a life on my own again.

Before I completely walked out of the office I was asked if I could have all the requirements by the end of the day. My heart skipped a beat! I reached for that folder so fast and basically shoved it in my advisor’s hands. There it was. God opening another door, God taking care of me again and I was already prepared for the opportunity. This is not normal, usually applicants reapply later or don’t hear back because there’s a wait list…BUT GOD! 

I got in that semester, passed all my classes and boards on the first try. Even secured a job before graduating (Graduated December 2021).

I knew exactly where to work. When I went to the unit I currently work at now and spoke to a potential coworker I felt like it was a deja vu moment. When I got home I realized I wrote down this exact encounter before I even met the person because I dreamed about it. Yes, crazy I know. 

I can go on and on about the ways God has shown up and showed out for me, like how I got a brand new home and was able to use a loan where I put nothing down (even though I didn’t qualify). Or how I was able to get a position at work that I wasn’t qualified for and get paid 4 times my regular pay, or how I got the specific SUV I wanted (which was not available for months until I prayed about it. A salesman randomly called me hours after with the exact model I prayed to God for). 

In no way do I want to make it seem as if God is just some genie who grants wishes. However, what I will say is obedience gets you far. Keeping God first gets you far! I went from ignoring God, disobeying, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, vaping, gossiping, dressing promiscuously, cursing, lying, idolizing other things etc to trusting and obeying God. I have peace, I have clarity, and above all I’m spoiled by the Highest. 

As I began the journey of writing to God with more intent, I began to heal, elevate, and get really familiar with how God operates in my life. He began showing me how to heal and overcome those unhealthy thoughts, habits, and experiences. I became a peaceful, positive, and stress free person because of my ongoing dialogue with Him. My creative outlet of writing turned into me wanting to help other women all around the world do the same thing. So, God led me to creating OVYHELPS.

get to know me


My aunt’s house

favorite Movies

The Notebook | Titanic | Tyler Perry films

Favorite Scripture

John 15:7 | Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you.


DIY projects

I’D SPEND my whole paycheck on

Fun experiences + self- care

Dream Job

Lifestyle Blogger



Favorite thing to do

Show up for myself & listen to good music

forever ON REPEAT

Agape | Nicholas Britell (Gets my creative juices flowing)

CURRENTLY Obsessed with

Romanticizing my life, elevating & getting closer to God

Guiding you towards



Ever felt stuck on what happened to you in the past? Do you use your past experiences as an excuse to do toxic things?



Do you feel like you’re not becoming all that you’re suppose to be in life? Do you ever feel unfulfilled or that you’re not growing?


getting closer to god

Need guidance on how to live a godly life, how to get closer to God, how to start your spiritual journey, or how to maintain it so your life can be transformed?

If you answered yes, here’s a solution!