6 Ways to Develop a Positive Relationship with Your Body + Boost Your Self Esteem

6 Ways to Develop a Positive Relationship with Your Body + Boost Your Self Esteem

Hey ladies! Today we will be discussing ways to develop a positive relationship with your body and boost your self esteem. It is so common for us to nitpick about the things we do not like about ourselves. Today, I want to help you release the negative self talk routine you may do religiously and introduce you to 6 things you can do to start your self love journey. So let’s begin!

The Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners

The Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners

Hey ladies! Today I will be telling you about the credit card that has changed my travel life. If you know me then you know I love fun experiences and what’s more fun than traveling the world and saving money while doing so? Nothing! So let me tell you my travel secret that has helped me travel to places like New York, Miami, The Bahamas, Cancun, Tulum etc