Signs From God: Signs You’re Where You Need To Be

Being a woman who’s still becoming and still finding herself can sometimes feel very overwhelming. You’re always searching for signs that you’re doing the right thing, that you’re in the right space, headed in the right direction.

Do you ever feel unsure of whether or not God is giving you those signs you’re seeking? Let’s be honest, not knowing for sure if God is speaking to you has to be one of the most anxious feelings ever!

We all go through situations where we need a clear answer from God to tell us what He wants us to do. When you start to seek those answers He will answer. That’s actually when God starts getting excited because He sees that we are starting to desire what He wants. We are aligning with His will for our lives.The good thing about seeking those answers is you will be directed in the direction God desires which is always what’s best for you. Eventually, you’ll end up right where you need to be. He’ll guide you, protect you, cover you, position you, and start giving you clear answers, or signs, to answer your prayers.

So here are the top 10 signs to know for sure if God is speaking to you and telling you you’re exactly where you should be.

1. You Gained/ Elevated

You’re closer than ever to gaining or receiving a desire you’ve prayed for or you’ve received it. You’ve gotten an unexpected blessing or a miracle has happened to allow you to elevate your life. You’ve gotten a new position or a new opportunity and it was just handed to you.

2. Dreams

You have dreams that are either symbolic of what you pray for or they are actually showing you something that will happen in your life.

3. Conversations

People will just randomly say exactly what you’ve been praying about. Either this one conversation will be the exact answer you’ve been seeking or you’ll receive the same message from multiple different conversations.

4. You Feel Safe And Sure About It

You start to feel things are working out in your favor and nothing can harm you, even if you’re in the midst of a bad situation. That’s the affect of God’s presence in your life. However, you feel the position you’re in is a space where you’re going to peacefully thrive.

5. You Have Provision From God

Now that you’re praying for and desiring what God already wanted for you, He will make sure you are in the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people so you have the opportunity to completely flourish in that environment without struggling or having to do everything all on your own to maintain it.

You won’t have to bend over backwards to make things work because all the hard work is taken care of for you.

6. Random Powerful Thoughts

Those moments where you’re just casually doing something and you hear or feel a thought being planted in your mind. It could be so powerful your body may tingle or so gentle that you feel warm inside. It may even feel so powerful that you can’t help but get emotional. It’s a thought that’s randomly placed inside your head and you comprehended it clear as day. You may not know how to explain what you know to others but you’re sure that you just got a new revelation.

7. Your Qualities (fruit) are Noticeable to Others

Confirmation can come in random yet significant ways. People who encounter you or people who are already where you want to be are telling you you’re on the right path.

Write those down so you can remember everything God’s telling you. They’re not coincidences. It’s God “winking” at you and letting you know you’re exactly where you should be.

Take this sign with a grain of salt though, because even if people don’t verbally tell you that they see your fruit, that does not mean it’s not there.

8. Miraculous Events Happen In Your Favor

You know it’s from God when you couldn’t do it yourself. When something was impossible for you to achieve yet you’ve still accomplished it, that’s a direct sign that God was involved.

9. You Feel You Have A Purpose

You may not even be aware of the impact you have on others lives but that hobby, that job, the way you take care of those around you makes you feel important. You feel fulfilled doing this which shows that you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing.

10. It Comes Naturally

Of course it may not be easy all the time, however, you naturally gravitate towards talking about this, learning more about it, getting involved in or helping others when it comes to this. This could include a job, a business idea, a hobby, or something you’re just very fond of.

Ask God if this is a part of your calling and if you should pursue this or which direction you should take it.

11. You Feel At Peace

You feel at peace about where you are and where you’re headed. You’re not constantly worried about all the logistics of a situation (here’s a post on how to stop overthinking everything) and you’re just following the path laid out in front of you by God. This is the ultimate sign that God is involved.

Now, I can go on and on but I need to go study (I’m a nursing major with a TON of chapters to look over).

However, those are some of the major ways I’ve learned that God is speaking. That’s how you’ll know you’re exactly where God wants you to be.

I hope you’re aligned with where you should be, and if you’re not, then I pray you start seeking that. Once you seek you will find.

“Continue to ask, and God will give to you. Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will open for you.” Matthew 7:7

I love you and God loves you!

Ovy <3

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