The Ultimate Prayer Journal

Intentional journaling for a life of abundance


” Live A Purposeful and Prayerful Life”

Introducing the Ultimate Prayer Journal. A 440 page, 6 month multi-purpose journal + planner that will help you live a purposeful and prayerful life.

This Prayer Journal was designed to elevate your life spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, as well as financially. This is your safe space to be your most vulnerable self and speak directly to God.

John 15:7 | Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you.

Become the best version of yourself by making the intentional decision to heal, elevate, and get closer to Him.

Write to God, intentionally pray + work towards your desires, and flourish.


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Change your life in 6 months

The Ultimate Prayer Journal

How it has Changed my Life:

Then | I was making poor life decisions, overthinking, timid, + hurt from past experiences. I was depressed, drained from being a people pleaser + not becoming the woman I knew God called me to be. I was stuck in limbo and very unhappy with my life. It was always one thing after another that brought me down.

Now | I talk to God daily and have a close relationship with Him. I receive favor in ALL situations. I clearly understand how God communicates + make the best decisions, so much so, that I’m constantly living in abundance + I’m able to bless those around me.I trust God + no longer suffer emotionally. I’m healing + I’m actively moving towards becoming all that I’ve prayed to become. The best part is this isn’t limited to me!


Target Areas:

All the categories this journal + planner will elevate

  • Spirituality | Bible verse affirmations, go-to bible verse index, prayer request, spiritual monthly goals, gratitude, repent/confess
  • Intentional Living | Monthly goals habit tracker, to- do list, monthly calendar, social goals, personal goals
  • Financial | Income tracker, expense tracker, financial goals
  • Self-Care | Self-care + health, reflection pages, mental goals, recreation- leisure goals

9.5″ x 9″


440 pages

Bleedproof Paper

Twin-Wire Binding

Paper sleeve/folder

Decorative Box

Rose Gold Diamond Pen

6 Laminated Bible Quote Dividers

1 Sheet of Stickers | white vinyl with clear background

How To Use

Goal Setting | Because goals are the map that will guide you toward your God- given purpose, without setting them you will also wander in circles without getting where you need to go. When you set spiritual goals, all your other decisions, confusions, plans, and goals will fall into place. God can and WILL exceed your expectations abundantly above all that you ask for and think of. Write down what you want to accomplish each month, include God in your plans, and live in that vision the entire month.

Prayers | Each day we wake up with new thoughts, new ideas, new excitement, new struggles, and new changes. It’s important that we invite God into all of our thoughts. Praying is intimate. Intimacy is important because it sustains us – especially when we face hard times in our lives. He doesn’t want us to face anything alone. We are to come to Him with and for everything.

Praise + Thanksgiving | Praise is the key to the door for joy, peace, love, and faith. Most importantly, it brings God into the scene. Praise opens the gates of Heaven and the doors to blessings. Use this section to write down one thing that you praise God for each day.

Gratitude | Gratitude is a special gift given to us by God. Use this section to show gratitude daily. When we pray to God, we are showing Him that we value our relationship with Him. Showing gratitude is a powerful means of drawing near to God. Showing gratitude will take you outside of yourself and focus your attention to where it should be- close to God.

Daily Declaration | Our powers are activated when we speak the Word of God over our situations instead of doubting, worrying, and misunderstanding. Use this section to declare and decree God’s word over your life everyday.

Setting Intentions | When you are making it a priority and a goal to think of your day positively through the lens of what God has done for you and how you can shine His light to others, you benefit all the more. Your faith will increase. Your relationship with God will deepen and flourish. People around you will be drawn to you and your light. And as a result you will feel joy in your day to day life.

Confess + Repent | This is one of the most important sections you should utilize everyday. Confessing your sins and asking God to forgive you is an important process. You must come to God, pray using scripture, and ask Him to forgive you. Then you must believe that He has. After you are forgiven, work on leaving sin behind and moving forward.

Self Care + Health | God wants us to take care of our bodies. God created women for a special purpose. He created us to nurture. However, sometimes we get so caught up into nurturing everyone or everything around us that we forget about ourselves. Make a vow to take care of yourself every day – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

Income + Expense Tracking | It’s important that you track your expenses so you can identify and eliminate wasteful spending habits in your financial life. Moreover, consistently tracking your expenses will help you maintain control of your finances, and promote better financial habits like saving and investing. Tracking your expenses on a day-to-day basis will hold you accountable to set and reach financial goals.

Habit Tracking | Forming habits that become a lifestyle happens when you become intentional. The Monthly Habit Tracker allows you to keep yourself in alignment with your goals. Use your habit tracker to write down the disciplines you want to make a habit. Each day you complete the habit, check it off next to the corresponding day.

Reflections | At the end of each month, review all your journal entries and reflect on your progress, responsibilities, circumstances, and your state of mind. Reflect on the areas of your life that needs improvement and be sure to celebrate yourself for all you have accomplished. Be open and honest with God as you reflect. It will help you to identify what nourishes you so that you can make better decisions as you grow your relationship with God and sow the seeds for the next month of your life.